Monday, August 2, 2010

Farewell NC Tour

Now that I’m done with the bar examination, I’m back to taking photos.

Since my wife and I are moving from NC in a few days, we’re taking some time to revisit some of our favorite spots in the Triangle. We went to a few places in Durham today.

The first couple shots were taken on Duke’s East Campus, where Trinity College was first located when it relocated to Durham.

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We then stopped by Duke and took some more photos, mostly of the chapel. I know I’ve already posted a number of Duke chapel shots (see here, here, and here), but here are some more. Unlike the previous posts, I’ve included a number of shots taken from inside the chapel.

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We also had lunch at one of our favorite local restaurants, Elmo’s.

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How’s this for some comfort food? Chicken and dumplings, mashed potatoes, corn bread, apple sauce, and cole slaw. (Sorry for the low quality, the photo was taken with a cell phone.)


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